October 9, 2014

Berner - 20 Joints (Prod By TraxxFDR)

Holy shit I’m high as fuck right now, do you know what kind of joy it brings me to find this song at 11:30 on a Wednesday night during midterm week? It’s like Christmas, well more like Hanukah for me... holla at yah boy ladies. Anyways back to this dope ass song, Berner, the young rapper signed to, you guessed it, Taylor Gang, is doing his best Wiz Khalifa impression on this melodic Stoner’s Delight.

“20 Joints” features a looped female vocal sample that really chills this track out. On top of the sample, Berner does what any good pothead would do, and drops some illlnes about, you know,smoking dope! If you haven’t checked out Berner or any of the up and coming Taylor Gang artists head over to Berner’s soundcloud page here (SoundCloud) or visit Taylor Gangs website http://taylorgang.net. Like the great Dr. Dre once said “ heyyyeyyeEYEYyyyEYYY! ........ SMOKE WEED EVERDAY!”

DOWNLOAD: Berner- 20 Joints (Prod By TraxxFDR)

1 comment:

  1. Can someone plz tell me who the background female vocal is on "20 Joints" by Berner?! Ty Have a nice day
